If you have not read the Rules of Twilight recently, please take a moment to refresh your memory as we have had a
couple of disputes recently. Pay particular regard to the rules regarding the use of reserves, especially rule 2.1
couple of disputes recently. Pay particular regard to the rules regarding the use of reserves, especially rule 2.1
1.1 Matches are the best of 3 sets. The first two sets are normal sets to 6 games with a 7 point tie-break at 6-6. if the match goes to a third set, then a super tie-break (first to 10 points with 2 clear) should be played.
1.2 Rounds start @ 5.15pm (following Junior coaching which finishes at 5.15pm) and 6.45pm.
1.3 Matches should use the courts to which they have been allocated. If you are waiting for a previous match to finish in order go onto your allocated court and another court becomes free first, you may only use that court if you know for sure that the match scheduled for that court has been cancelled.
1.4 Teams to supply their own good quality tennis balls. It is good practice to always have a set of decent balls in your bag and to take it in turns to supply them.
1.5 Results can submitted using the online results sheet at Twilight Competition Results. Make sure you agree after the match who is submitting the result - the onus is obviously on the winners to do so, but it doesn't matter as long as someone does it.
1.6 Points are allocated as follows:-
2.1 If your partner is unavailable, it is strongly recommended that you use an alternative player of a similar or lower standard. Experience shows that many rescheduled matches never get played. You may:-
2.2 If you cannot play your match at the allocated time due to rain, it is the collective responsibility of both teams to arrange another time, preferably as soon as possible.. If the match is never played neither team will receive any points.
2.3 If one team wishes to reschedule a match for any reason, and the opposition agrees to reschedule, it is the collective responsibility of both teams to arrange another time, preferably as soon as possible. If the match is never played neither team will receive any points.
2.4 If a team fails to show up or cancels on the same day as the match is scheduled, the opposition is entitled to claim 4 points. The cancelling team receives 0 points. The opposition may choose to replay the match at their discretion and in that case the replayed match replaces the original date and all points are up for grabs.
Courts are block booked for Twilight on Tuesdays and Thursdays after 5.15pm and cannot be booked on Pay2Play for specific rescheduled matches. You may however turn up and use a court that is not being used for a scheduled match - first come first served. Please use Pay2Play to make court bookings on other days.
3.1 To play Twilight you and your partner must be fully paid-up members of Queenstown Tennis Club. Visitors may not play in Twilight Tennis.
3.2 All players should observe the QTC Code of Conduct as detailed on Page 23 of the club handbook.
3.3 The QTC committee will resolve any disputes or deal with any disciplinary matters. The committee's decision will be final.
3.4 Grading is decided by the Committee, who will also attempt to find suitable partners for those wishing to play but who do not yet have a partner.
1.2 Rounds start @ 5.15pm (following Junior coaching which finishes at 5.15pm) and 6.45pm.
1.3 Matches should use the courts to which they have been allocated. If you are waiting for a previous match to finish in order go onto your allocated court and another court becomes free first, you may only use that court if you know for sure that the match scheduled for that court has been cancelled.
1.4 Teams to supply their own good quality tennis balls. It is good practice to always have a set of decent balls in your bag and to take it in turns to supply them.
1.5 Results can submitted using the online results sheet at Twilight Competition Results. Make sure you agree after the match who is submitting the result - the onus is obviously on the winners to do so, but it doesn't matter as long as someone does it.
1.6 Points are allocated as follows:-
- 4 points - Win in 2 straight sets
- 3 points - Win by 2 sets to 1
- 2 points - Lose by 2 sets to 1
- 1 point - Lose in 2 straigt sets (you must play the match to get the point)
- 0 points - no show, same day cancellation, failure to play match (both teams)
2.1 If your partner is unavailable, it is strongly recommended that you use an alternative player of a similar or lower standard. Experience shows that many rescheduled matches never get played. You may:-
- utilise the reserve players in your grade. A Grade players may also play as a reserve in Premier division. Premier division players may not play as a reserve in A Grade.
- utilise another player in your grade who has a bye week or whose game has been rescheduled.
- utilise another player in your grade who has a match in the other time slot.
2.2 If you cannot play your match at the allocated time due to rain, it is the collective responsibility of both teams to arrange another time, preferably as soon as possible.. If the match is never played neither team will receive any points.
2.3 If one team wishes to reschedule a match for any reason, and the opposition agrees to reschedule, it is the collective responsibility of both teams to arrange another time, preferably as soon as possible. If the match is never played neither team will receive any points.
2.4 If a team fails to show up or cancels on the same day as the match is scheduled, the opposition is entitled to claim 4 points. The cancelling team receives 0 points. The opposition may choose to replay the match at their discretion and in that case the replayed match replaces the original date and all points are up for grabs.
Courts are block booked for Twilight on Tuesdays and Thursdays after 5.15pm and cannot be booked on Pay2Play for specific rescheduled matches. You may however turn up and use a court that is not being used for a scheduled match - first come first served. Please use Pay2Play to make court bookings on other days.
3.1 To play Twilight you and your partner must be fully paid-up members of Queenstown Tennis Club. Visitors may not play in Twilight Tennis.
3.2 All players should observe the QTC Code of Conduct as detailed on Page 23 of the club handbook.
3.3 The QTC committee will resolve any disputes or deal with any disciplinary matters. The committee's decision will be final.
3.4 Grading is decided by the Committee, who will also attempt to find suitable partners for those wishing to play but who do not yet have a partner.